Patricia H.
  • 180 Saved Courses
  • 0 Courses Completed
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All Saved Courses

Level Course Title University Provider
AERO E101 Introduction to Aeronautical Engineering Delft EdX
ANTH230 Archeology’s Dirty Little Secrets Brown University Coursera
ART240 Creating Site-Specific Dance and Performance Works California Institute of the Arts Coursera
ART317 Roman Architecture Saylor Saylor
ASTR101 Introduction to Astronomy Duke University Coursera
ASTR101 Introduction to Astronomy Saylor Saylor
ASTR120 Astronomy: Discovering the Universe Curtin university Open2Study
ASTR365 Astrobiology and the Search for Extraterrestrial Life The University of Edinburgh Coursera
BIO101 Introduction to Biology: DNA to Organisms University of California, Irvine Coursera
BIO101 Introduction to Molecular and Cellular Biology Saylor Saylor
BIO103 Introduction to Molecular and Cellular Biology Saylor Saylor
BIO105 Introduction to Evolutionary Biology and Ecology Saylor Saylor
BIO106 Introduction to Evolutionary Biology and Ecology Lab Saylor Saylor
BIO115 Introduction to Molecular and Cellular Biology Lab Saylor Saylor
BIO125 Human Evolution: Past and Future University of Wisconsin-Madison Coursera
BIO130 Marine Biology Saylor Saylor
BIO214 Botany Saylor Saylor
BIO251 Human Physiology Saylor Saylor
BIO251 Introductory Human Physiology Duke University Coursera
BIO252 Human Physiology Lab Saylor Saylor
BIO288 Developmental Biology Saylor Saylor
BIO301 Genetics Saylor Saylor
BIO301 Introduction to Genetics and Evolution Duke University Coursera
BIO301 Useful Genetics The University of British Columbia Coursera
BIO301 Tales from the Genome Udacity Udacity
BIOSCI303 Biochemistry Saylor Saylor
CHEM101 General Chemistry I Saylor Saylor
CHEM101 Chemistry: Concept Development and Application Rice University Coursera
CHEM E280 Computational Techniques IIT Madras NPTEL
CHEM E301 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics IIT Bombay NPTEL
CIVIL E265 Structure Standing Still: The Statics of Everyday Objects University of Florida Coursera
COM271 Understanding Media by Understanding Google Northwestern University Coursera
CS101 Introduction to Computer Science I Saylor Saylor
CS101 Computer Science 101 Stanford University Coursera
CS101 An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python Rice University Coursera
CS101 Learn to Program: The Fundamentals University of Toronto Coursera
CS101 Introduction to Computer Science and Programming MIT EdX
CS101 Introduction to Computer Science Harvard EdX
CS101 Introduction to Computer Science Udacity Udacity
CS101 Programming Foundations with Python Udacity Udacity
CS101 Intro to Programming Udacity Udacity
CS121 Paradigms of Computer Programming Louvain EdX
CS122 Elementary Data Structures Saylor Saylor
CS230 C++ Programming Saylor Saylor
CS230 C++ For C Programmers University of California, Santa Cruz Coursera
CS260 Computer Architecture Saylor Saylor
CS260 Computer Architecture Princeton University Coursera
CS265 Learn to Program: Crafting Quality Code University of Toronto Coursera
CS286 Web Development Udacity Udacity
CS290 Social Network Analysis University of Michigan Coursera
CS290 Social and Economic Networks: Models and Analysis Stanford University Coursera
CS295 Algorithms Saylor Saylor
CS295 Algorithms: Design and Analysis, Part 1 Stanford University Coursera
CS295 Algorithms, Part I Princeton University Coursera
CS295 Analysis of Algorithms Princeton University Coursera
CS295 Algorithms Udacity Udacity
CS297 Beginning Game Programming with C# University of Colorado System Coursera
CS298 HTML5 Game Development Udacity Udacity
DESG101 Design 101 (or Design Basics) Abadir Fine Arts Academy Iversity
ECON101 Principles of Microeconomics Saylor Saylor
ECON101 Microeconomics Principles University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Coursera
ECON101 Principles of Microeconomics University of Pennsylvania Coursera
ECON101 Fundamentals of Economics MESI OpenupEd
ECON102 Principles of Macroeconomics Saylor Saylor
ECON102 Principles of Macroeconomics The University of Melbourne Coursera
EDU100 Where Next? OUUK OpenupEd
EDU393 Videogames and Learning University of Wisconsin-Madison Coursera
EE214 Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering Rice University Coursera
EE261 Circuits and Electronics MIT EdX
EE324 Fundamentals of Audio and Music Engineering: Part 1 Musical Sound & Electronics University of Rochester Coursera
ENG100 Pre-College English Saylor Saylor
ENG100 Principles of Written English, Part 1 University of California, Berkeley EdX
ENG101 English Composition I Saylor Saylor
ENG102 English Composition II Saylor Saylor
ENG102 Writing II: Rhetorical Composing The Ohio State University Coursera
ENG143 English Composition I: Achieving Expertise Duke University Coursera
ENG145 First-Year Composition 2.0 Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera
ENG205 Shakespeare Saylor Saylor
ENG352 Writing for the Web Open2Study Open2Study
ENTR301 How to Build a Startup Udacity Udacity
ENVSCI275 Aquatic Biodiversity and Environmental Pollution IISc Bangalore NPTEL
ES260 Energy 101 Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera
ES275 Climate Change The University of Melbourne Coursera
ES275 Climate Literacy: Navigating Climate Conversations The University of British Columbia Coursera
ES275 Climate change: challenges and solutions University of Exeter FutureLearn
GEO110 Planet Earth University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Coursera
HIST101 History of Europe, 1000 to 1800 Saylor Saylor
HIST102 History of Europe, 1800 to the Present Saylor Saylor
HIST110 United States History 1 Saylor Saylor
HIST120 Ancient Civilizations of the World Saylor Saylor
HIST121 A History of the World since 1300 Princeton University Coursera
HIST122 Early Globalizations Saylor Saylor
HIST123 World History in the Early Modern and Modern Eras (1600-Present) Saylor Saylor
HIST131 The Modern World: Global History since 1760 University of Virginia Coursera
HIST215 Introduction to United States History Saylor Saylor
HIST216 Introduction to United States History Saylor Saylor
HIST274 History of Africa to 1890 Saylor Saylor
HIST275 Pre-Modern Northeast Asia Saylor Saylor
HIST277 Empire and States in the Middle East and Southwest Asia Saylor Saylor
HIST284 History of Technology Saylor Saylor
HIST298 Women and the Civil Rights Movement University of Maryland, College Park Coursera
IT224 User Experience for the Web Open2Study Open2Study
MATH80 Succeed with Maths OUUK OpenupEd
MATH90 Intro Algebra Review Udacity Udacity
MATH91 Beginning Algebra Saylor Saylor
MATH91 Algebra University of California, Irvine Coursera
MATH107 Precalculus II Saylor Saylor
MATH107 Pre-Calculus University of California, Irvine Coursera
MATH110 Calculus One The Ohio State University Coursera
MATH113 Mathematics I UNINETTUNO OpenupEd
MATH131 Effective Thinking Through Mathematics UTAustin EdX
MATH143 Introduction to Complexity Santa Fe Institute Santa Fe Institute
MATH144 Introduction to Dynamical Systems and Chaos Santa Fe Institute Santa Fe Institute
MATH171 Calculus I Saylor Saylor
MATH171 Calculus: Single Variable University of Pennsylvania Coursera
MATH172 Single-Variable Calculus I Saylor Saylor
MATH212 Linear Regression Analysis IIT Kanpur NPTEL
MATH216 Discrete Structures Saylor Saylor
MATH220 Linear Algebra Saylor Saylor
MATH220 Linear Algebra - Foundations to Frontiers UTAustin EdX
MATH227 Abstract Algebra I Saylor Saylor
MATH235 Algebra II IIT Bombay NPTEL
MATH252 Measure and Integration IIT Bombay NPTEL
MATH260 Introduction to Mathematical Thinking Stanford University Coursera
MATH273 Multivariable Calculus Saylor Saylor
MATH301 Introduction to Mathematical Reasoning Saylor Saylor
MECH E110 Introduction to Mechanical Engineering Saylor Saylor
MECH E110 Introduction to Engineering Mechanics Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera
MECH E116 Computer-Aided Design (CAD) Saylor Saylor
MECH E212 Mechanics I Saylor Saylor
MECH E212 Dynamics MIT EdX
MECH E301 Thermodynamics Saylor Saylor
MECH E301 Introduction to Thermodynamics: Transferring Energy from Here to There University of Michigan Coursera
MECH E303 Fluid Mechanics Saylor Saylor
MED0 Pay Attention!! ADHD Through the Lifespan University of Pennsylvania Coursera
MUS110 Introduction to Classical Music University of Michigan Coursera
MUS151 Introduction to Music Saylor Saylor
MUS154 How Music Works University of Florida Coursera
MUS164 Introduction to Digital Sound Design Emory University Coursera
MUS164 Survey of Music Technology Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera
MUS189 Introduction to Guitar Berklee College of Music Coursera
MUS338 Jazz Improvisation Berklee College of Music Coursera
NER S220 Fundamentals of Neuroscience, Part I Harvard EdX
NER S250 Basic Behavioral Neurology University of Pennsylvania Coursera
PHIL101 Introduction to Philosophy Saylor Saylor
PHIL101 Introduction to Philosophy The University of Edinburgh Coursera
PHIL201 Logic and Critical Thinking Saylor Saylor
PHIL201 Introduction to Logic Stanford University Coursera
PHIL204 The Science of Everyday Thinking The University of Queensland EdX
PHIL205 Critical Thinking in Global Challenges The University of Edinburgh Coursera
PHYS101 Introduction to Mechanics Saylor Saylor
PHYS101 Intro to Physics Udacity Udacity
PHYS104 Introductory Physics I with Laboratory Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera
PHYS150 How Things Work 1 University of Virginia Coursera
PHYS153 Science from Superheroes to Global Warming University of California, Irvine Coursera
PHYS155 A Look at Nuclear Science and Technology University of Pittsburgh Coursera
PHYS187 Physics 1 for Physical Science Majors University of Colorado Boulder Coursera
PHYS202 Introduction to Electromagnetism Saylor Saylor
PHYS230 Understanding Einstein: The Special Theory of Relativity Stanford University Coursera
PHYS230 Special Theory of Relativity IIT Bombay NPTEL
POLSCI101 Introduction to American Politics Saylor Saylor
POLSCI305 Feminist Politics Saylor Saylor
POLSCI433 Terrorism and Counterterrorism: Comparing Theory and Practice Universiteit Leiden Coursera
PSYCH100 Why We Need Psychology University of London International Programmes Coursera
PSYCH101 Introduction to Psychology University of Toronto Coursera
PSYCH101 Introduction to Psychology Saylor Saylor
PSYCH101 Foundations of Psychology RMIT university Open2Study
PSYCH101 Intro to Psychology Udacity Udacity
PSYCH123 Introduction to Psychology as a Science Georgia Institute of Technology Coursera
PSYCH230 Gender and Sexuality Saylor Saylor
PUB H0 The Social Context of Mental Health and Illness University of Toronto Coursera
REL165 Greek and Roman Mythology University of Pennsylvania Coursera
REL310 The Letters of the Apostle Paul Harvard EdX
STATS120 Statistics: Making Sense of Data University of Toronto Coursera
STATS205 Introduction to Statistics Saylor Saylor
STATS205 Statistics One Princeton University Coursera
STATS205 Intro to Statistics Udacity Udacity
STATS205 Statistics Udacity Udacity
STATS280 Intro to Hadoop and MapReduce Udacity Udacity
STATS367 Statistical Inference IIT Kharagpur NPTEL