Mikael K.
  • 22 Saved Courses
  • 0 Courses Completed
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All Saved Courses

Level Course Title University Provider
CS101 Introduction to Computer Science I Saylor Saylor
CS101 Introduction to Computer Science II Saylor Saylor
ECON326 Development Economics MRUniversity MRUniversity
ECON326 Economic Development Saylor Saylor
ECON327 International Trade Saylor Saylor
ECON327 International Trade MRUniversity MRUniversity
IT200 Internet History, Technology, and Security University of Michigan Coursera
IT250 Management Information Systems Saylor Saylor
MGT169 The Art of Negotiation University of California, Irvine Coursera
MGT170 Project Management: The Basics for Success University of California, Irvine Coursera
MGT176 Employability Skills HTW Berlin Iversity
MGT193 Power Onboarding Northwestern University Coursera
MGT260 Intro to Enterprise Architecture Enterprise Architects Open2Study
MGT469 Inspiring Leadership through Emotional Intelligence Case Western Reserve University Coursera
MGT OP340 Operations Management University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Coursera
MGT OP345 Supply Chain Management: A Learning Perspective Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Coursera
MGT OP345 Supply Chain and Logistics Fundamentals MIT EdX
MGT OP355 Scaling operations: Linking strategy and execution Northwestern University Coursera
MRKT360 An Introduction to Marketing University of Pennsylvania Coursera
SOC101 Introduction to Sociology Saylor Saylor
SOC230 Introduction to Global Sociology Wellesley EdX
STATS202 Introduction to Statistics: Descriptive Statistics University of California, Berkeley EdX