Marquarious M.
  • 53 Saved Courses
  • 0 Courses Completed
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All Saved Courses

Level Course Title University Provider
ART103 Introduction to Art: Concepts & Techniques The Pennsylvania State University Coursera
AS0 Canine Theriogenology for Dog Enthusiasts University of Minnesota Coursera
AS0 Animal Behaviour and Welfare The University of Edinburgh Coursera
AS0 The Horse Course: Introduction to Basic Care and Management University of Florida Coursera
AS0 EDIVET: Do you have what it takes to be a veterinarian? The University of Edinburgh Coursera
AS0 Equine Nutrition The University of Edinburgh Coursera
AS0 Birds 101: Introduction to Pet Birds University of Tennessee EdX
AS0 Dog Behavior: Problems and Solutions Arizona State University EdX
AS0 Dog Perception and Cognition Arizona State University EdX
DESG101 Design 101 (or Design Basics) Abadir Fine Arts Academy Iversity
FIN160 Finance for Non-Financial People University of California, Irvine Coursera
FIN201 Financial Planning for Young Adults University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Coursera
FIN201 Financial Literacy Macquarie university Open2Study
FIN201 Personal & Family Financial Planning University of Florida Coursera
FIN201 Managing My Money The Open University FutureLearn
FIN201 Managing My Investments The Open University FutureLearn
FIN301 Finance Stanford University Novoed
FS101 An Introduction to the U.S. Food System: Perspectives from Public Health Johns Hopkins University Coursera
FS140 Fundamentals of Human Nutrition University of Florida Coursera
FS221 Introduction to Nutrition: Food for Health Wageningen EdX
FS221 Nutrition for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention University of California, San Francisco Coursera
FS221 Food, Nutrition & Your Health Open2Study Open2Study
FS221 Nutrition and Wellbeing University of Aberdeen FutureLearn
FS221 Introduction to Health and Wellness Arizona State University EdX
FS305 Nutrition and Physical Activity for Health University of Pittsburgh Coursera
FS410 The Science of Gastronomy The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Coursera
LAW336 Constitutional Law Yale University Coursera
LAW336 Introduction to Key Constitutional Concepts and Supreme Court Cases University of Pennsylvania Coursera
MUS189 Introduction to Guitar Berklee College of Music Coursera
MUS353 Songwriting Berklee College of Music Coursera
MUS364 Introduction to Music Production Berklee College of Music Coursera
MUS364 Vocal Recording Technology Berklee College of Music EdX
PHIL101 Introduction to Philosophy: God, Knowledge and Consciousness MIT EdX
PHIL201 Introduction to Logic Stanford University Coursera
PHIL201 Logic and Critical Thinking Saylor Saylor
PHIL346 The Ethics of Eating Cornell EdX
PHYS101 How Stuff Moves HarveyMudd EdX
PHYS150 How Things Work 1 University of Virginia Coursera
PSYCH100 Introduction to Psychology St. Margaret’s Episcopal School EdX
PSYCH101 Introduction to Psychology Saylor Saylor
PSYCH101 Introduction to Psychology University of Toronto Coursera
PSYCH101 Foundations of Psychology RMIT university Open2Study
PSYCH101 Intro to Psychology Udacity Udacity
PSYCH101 Introduction to Psychology Tsinghua EdX
PSYCH175 Unlocking the Immunity to Change: A New Approach to Personal Improvement Harvard EdX
PSYCH180 The Science of Happiness University of California, Berkeley EdX
PSYCH234 Creativity, Innovation, and Change The Pennsylvania State University Coursera
PSYCH269 Soul Beliefs: Causes and Consequences Rutgers University Coursera
PSYCH315 Resilience in Children Exposed to Trauma, Disaster and War: Global Perspectives University of Minnesota Coursera
PSYCH321 Theories of Personality Saylor Saylor
PSYCH326 Psychology and Mental Health: Beyond Nature and Nurture University of Liverpool FutureLearn
SOC341 Paradoxes of War Princeton University Coursera
SOC345 Sports and Society Duke University Coursera